
How To Slot Level 3 Decorations Monster Hunter World

Antidote Gem one

Poison Resistance 1

4.57% 3.49% 0.54% Antipara Jewel 1

Paralysis Resistance i

four.57% 3.49% 0.54% Pep Precious stone 1

Sleep Resistance 1

iv.57% 3.49% 0.54% Steadfast Gem 1

Stun Resistance ane

0.71% 1.62% 3.ninety% iii.67% 2.52% 0.53% Antiblast Precious stone 1

Blast Resistance 1

2.74% 2.10% 0.32% Suture Jewel 1

Haemorrhage Resistance 1

2.74% two.10% 0.32% Def Lock Jewel ane

Iron Skin 1

4.57% iii.49% 0.54% Earplug Jewel iii

Earplugs one

0.43% 0.97% ii.34% 2.20% one.51% 0.53% 0.30% Wind Resist Jewel ii

Windproof 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% 1.51% 0.53% 0.30% Footing Jewel 2

Tremor Resistance i

0.71% i.62% 3.xc% 3.67% ii.52% 0.53% 0.30% Assault Gem i

Attack Boost one

0.02% 0.10% 0.30% 0.53% 0.30% Defence Gem 1

Defence force Boost one

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% i.51% Vitality Gem one

Health Boost 1

0.71% 1.62% three.ninety% iii.67% 2.52% Recovery Precious stone i

Recovery Speed 1

0.fourteen% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.fifty% Fire Res Jewel 1

Fire Resistance ane

2.74% two.10% 0.32% H2o Res Gem 1

Water Resistance 1

ii.74% ii.10% 0.32% Water ice Res Precious stone 1

Ice Resistance one

2.74% 2.10% 0.32% Thunder Res Jewel i

Thunder Resistance 1

2.74% 2.10% 0.32% Dragon Res Jewel 1

Dragon Resistance 1

2.74% 2.10% 0.32% Resistor Jewel 1

Blight Resistance 1

0.71% 1.62% 3.90% three.67% 2.52% 0.53% 0.thirty% Blaze Jewel ane

Fire Set on 1

0.43% 0.97% ii.34% 2.xx% 1.51% Stream Jewel 1

Water Attack 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% two.20% one.51% Frost Jewel 1

Ice Attack ane

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% 1.51% Bolt Jewel i

Thunder Set on 1

0.43% 0.97% ii.34% 2.xx% 1.51% Dragon Jewel 1

Dragon Attack 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% two.twenty% ane.51% Venom Jewel 1

Poison Attack 1

0.71% 1.62% 3.90% three.67% two.52% 0.53% 0.30% Paralyzer Jewel i

Paralysis Set on one

0.05% 0.90% 0.53% 0.30% Sleep Gem ane

Sleep Assail 1

0.08% 0.50% 1.50% 0.53% 0.30% Blast Jewel i

Smash Attack 1

0.05% 0.thirty% 0.90% 0.53% 0.30% Poisoncoat Precious stone 3

Poison Functionality 1

0.71% 1.62% iii.90% 3.67% 2.52% 0.53% 0.30% Paracoat Jewel 3

Para Functionality i

0.05% 0.30% 0.90% 0.53% 0.30% Sleepcoat Jewel 3

Sleep Functionality 1

0.08% 0.l% ane.fifty% 0.53% 0.thirty% Blastcoat Precious stone iii

Blast Functionality 1

0.08% 0.50% 1.l% 0.53% 0.30% Release Jewel 3

Gratuitous Elem/Ammo Up ane

0.09% 0.23% 0.53% 0.30% Expert Gem 1

Critical Eye i

0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.50% 0.53% 0.30% Critical Jewel 2

Disquisitional Boost i

0.45% 1.14% 0.53% 0.30% Tenderizer Jewel ii

Weakness Exploit 1

0.xiv% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.fifty% 0.53% 0.30% Charger Gem 2

Focus 1

0.09% 0.23% 0.53% 0.30% Handicraft Jewel 3

Handicraft 1

0.09% 0.23% 0.53% 0.30% Draw Jewel two

Disquisitional Draw 1

0.09% 0.23% 0.53% Destroyer Gem 2

Partbreaker one

0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.50% 0.53% 0.30% KO Jewel two

Slugger 1

0.43% 0.97% two.34% 2.20% 1.51% 0.53% 0.30% Bleed Jewel 1

Stamina Thief 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% one.51% 0.53% 0.thirty% Flight Jewel 2

Airborne 1

4.57% 3.49% 0.54% Throttle Precious stone ii

Latent Ability 1

0.08% 0.l% one.50% 0.53% 0.30% Challenger Gem two

Agitator 1

0.02% 0.ten% 0.30% 0.53% 0.30% Flawless Jewel 2

Summit Performance 1

0.08% 0.50% 1.50% 0.53% 0.thirty% Potential Jewel 2

Heroics i

0.08% 0.50% 1.50% 0.53% 0.30% Fortitude Gem 1

Fortify 1

4.57% 3.49% 0.54% Furor Gem 2

Resentment ane

0.02% 0.10% 0.30% 0.53% 0.30% Sonorous Gem 1

Horn Maestro 1

0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.50% Mag Jewel 2

Capacity Boost 1

0.02% 0.ten% 0.thirty% 0.53% 0.30% Trueshot Jewel 1

Special Ammo Boost 1

0.02% 0.10% 0.thirty% 0.53% 0.30% Artillery Jewel 1

Artillery ane

0.27% 0.68% 0.53% 0.thirty% Heavy Artillery Gem 1

Heavy Artillery 1

two.74% 2.ten% 0.32% Sprinter Jewel two

Marathon Runner one

0.09% 0.23% 0.53% 0.30% Physique Precious stone 2

Constitution one

0.xiv% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.fifty% 0.53% 0.30% Refresh Jewel 2

Stamina Surge 1

0.02% 0.10% 0.30% 0.53% 0.30% Hungerless Gem 1

Hunger Resistance ane

0.91% 0.70% 0.11% Evasion Jewel two

Evade Window 1

0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.50% 0.53% 0.30% Jumping Jewel 2

Evade Extender 1

0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.50% 0.53% Ironwall Jewel 1

Baby-sit 1

0.02% 0.10% 0.30% i.05% 0.60% Sheath Jewel 1

Quick Sheath 1

0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% 0.50% 0.53% 0.thirty% Friendship Jewel 1

Wide-Range ane

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% 1.51% 0.53% Enduring Jewel i

Particular Prolonger one

0.71% 1.62% 3.xc% three.67% 2.52% Satiated Gem 1

Free Repast 1

0.91% 0.70% 0.11% 0.53% 0.30% Gobbler Jewel one

Speed Eating 1

0.71% ane.62% iii.90% 3.67% 2.52% Grinder Precious stone 1

Speed Sharpening 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% 1.51% 0.53% 0.30% Bomber Jewel one

Bombardier 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% 1.51% 0.53% 0.30% Fungiform Jewel 1

Mushroomancer ane

0.09% 0.23% 0.53% 0.30% Protection Jewel 1

Divine Blessing 1

0.91% 0.70% 0.11% 0.53% 0.thirty% Meowster Precious stone 1

Palico Rally 1

4.57% 3.49% 0.54% Phytology Gem i

Botanist ane

2.74% 2.10% 0.32% Geology Jewel one

Geologist 1

two.74% 2.10% 0.32% Mighty Jewel 2

Maximum Might i

0.05% 0.30% 0.90% 0.53% 0.30% Stonethrower Jewel 1

Slinger Capacity 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.twenty% 1.51% 0.53% 0.30% Tip Toe Jewel i

Stealth 1

2.74% ii.ten% 0.32% Brace Gem three

Flinch Costless 1

0.71% 1.62% 3.ninety% three.67% 2.52% 0.53% 0.30% Smoke Jewel 1

Survival Expert ane

2.74% 2.x% 0.32% Mirewalker Jewel 1

Aquatic/Polar Mobility i

0.91% 0.seventy% 0.11% Specimen Jewel 1

Entomologist one

4.57% iii.49% 0.54% Olfactory property Jewel ane

Scenthound ane

2.74% 2.10% 0.32% Intimidator Jewel ane

Intimidator one

0.91% 0.70% 0.11% Slider Gem two

Analogousness Sliding one

0.43% 0.97% ii.34% ii.20% one.51% Medicine Jewel one

Recovery Upwards 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% two.xx% 1.51% Forceshot Jewel three

Normal Shots one

0.02% 0.10% 0.30% 0.53% 0.30% Pierce Jewel 3

Piercing Shots 1

0.09% 0.23% 0.53% 0.30% Spread Gem 3

Spread/Power Shots i

0.27% 0.68% 0.53% 0.30% Enhancer Gem 2

Power Prolonger 1

0.05% 0.30% 0.90% 0.53% Crunch Precious stone 1

Resuscitate one

four.57% 3.49% 0.54% Dragonseal Jewel 3

Elderseal Boost 1

0.05% 0.30% 0.90% Maintenance Jewel one

Tool Specialist 1

0.91% 0.seventy% 0.eleven% Mighty Bow Gem ii

Bow Charge Plus 1

0.27% 0.68% Mind'southward Middle Gem 2

Mind's Eye/Ballistics 1

0.09% 0.23% Shield Jewel 2

Guard Up ane

0.02% 0.10% 0.30% Precipitous Jewel two

Protective Shine 1

0.05% 0.thirty% 0.ninety% Elementless Jewel 2

Non-elemental Boost 1

0.43% 0.97% 2.34% ii.20% 1.51% Miasma Jewel 1

Effluvia Resistance 1

2.74% 2.x% 0.32% Phoenix Jewel iii

Coalescence i

0.53% Guardian Precious stone 2

Offensive Guard one

1.05% 0.60% Cooling Precious stone 2

Oestrus Baby-sit 1

0.53% 0.thirty% Burn down Res Gem+ iv

Fire Resistance 2

0.65% 0.41% Water Res Jewel+ 4

Water Resistance 2

0.65% 0.41% Water ice Res Jewel+ iv

Ice Resistance ii

Thunder Res Jewel+ 4

Thunder Resistance 2

0.65% 0.41% Dragon Res Jewel+ iv

Dragon Resistance ii

0.65% 0.41% Blaze Jewel+ 4

Fire Attack 2

0.28% 0.75% 1.eleven% Stream Jewel+ four

Water Set on 2

0.28% 0.75% 1.11% Frost Jewel+ 4

Ice Attack 2

0.28% 0.75% 1.xi% Bolt Jewel+ iv

Thunder Attack 2

0.28% 0.75% 1.xi% Dragon Jewel+ 4

Dragon Attack ii

0.28% 0.75% one.eleven% Venom Precious stone+ iv

Poison Attack two

0.nineteen% 0.50% 0.74% Paralyzer Jewel+ iv

Paralysis Attack 2

0.19% 0.50% 0.74% Sleep Jewel+ 4

Sleep Assail 2

0.19% 0.50% 0.74% Blast Jewel+ iv

Blast Attack 2

0.nineteen% 0.l% 0.74% Difficult Fire Res Jewel four

Burn Resistance iii

0.13% 0.22% Hard Water Res Jewel 4

Water Resistance 3

0.13% 0.22% Difficult Ice Res Jewel 4

Ice Resistance iii

0.13% 0.22% Hard Thunder Res Jewel 4

Thunder Resistance three

0.thirteen% 0.22% Hard Dragon Res Jewel 4

Dragon Resistance three

0.xiii% 0.22% Antidote Jewel+ 4

Poisonous substance Resistance ii

Antipara Jewel+ four

Paralysis Resistance 2

Pep Jewel+ 4

Slumber Resistance two

0.65% 0.41% Steadfast Gem+ four

Stun Resistance 2

0.65% 0.41% Antiblast Precious stone+ 4

Boom Resistance 2

0.65% 0.41% Suture Jewel+ iv

Haemorrhage Resistance 2

0.65% 0.41% Def Lock Jewel+ iv

Iron Skin 2

0.65% 0.41% Miasma Gem+ 4

Effluvia Resistance ii

0.65% 0.41% Hungerless Jewel+ 4

Hunger Resistance two

0.65% 0.41% Recovery Jewel+ 4

Recovery Speed two

0.65% 0.41% Tip Toe Gem+ 4

Stealth 2

0.65% 0.41% Intimidator Jewel+ 4

Intimidator 2

0.65% 0.41% Meowster Gem+ 4

Palico Rally 2

0.65% 0.41% Hard Tip Toe Gem four

Stealth 3

0.65% 0.41% Hard Intimidator Precious stone 4

Intimidator three

0.65% 0.41% Difficult Meowster Jewel 4

Palico Rally three

0.65% 0.41% Trueshot Precious stone+ 4

Special Ammo Boost 2

0.27% Heavy Arms Gem+ iv

Heavy Artillery two

0.65% 0.41% Botany Jewel+ iv

Botanist 2

0.65% 0.41% Geology Jewel+ 4

Geologist 2

0.65% 0.41% Survival Jewel+ four

Survival Expert 2

0.65% 0.41% Mirewalker Gem+ 4

Aquatic/Polar Mobility 2

Specimen Jewel+ 4

Entomologist 2

0.65% 0.41% Sonorous Jewel+ 4

Horn Maestro two

0.65% 0.41% Hard Botany Precious stone+ iv

Botanist iv

0.13% 0.22% Hard Geology Gem 4

Geologist 3

0.13% 0.22% Difficult Survival Jewel 4

Survival Adept 3

0.13% 0.22% Hard Specimen Gem 4

Entomologist 3

0.13% 0.22% Indelible Precious stone+ 4

Item Prolonger 2

0.65% 0.41% Defense Jewel+ 4

Defence Boost 2

0.65% 0.41% Hard Enduring Jewel iv

Item Prolonger 3

0.13% 0.22% Hard Defense Jewel 4

Defense Heave 3

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Artillery Jewel+ 4

Arms 2

0.65% 0.41% Earplug Jewel+ 4

Earplugs 2

0.27% Current of air Resist Jewel+ 4

Windproof two

0.27% Assail Gem+ 4

Attack Boost 2

0.27% Proficient Jewel+ 4

Disquisitional Eye 2

0.27% Handicraft Gem+ 4

Handicraft 2

0.27% Throttle Jewel+ 4

Latent Ability 2

0.xiii% 0.22% Challenger Gem+ 4

Anarchist two

0.13% 0.22% Potential Jewel+ iv

Heroics 2

0.13% 0.22% Furor Gem+ 4

Resentment 2

0.13% 0.22% Physique Gem+ 4

Constitution ii

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Evasion Jewel+ 4

Evade Window two

0.13% 0.22% Ironwall Precious stone+ iv

Guard 2

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Friendship Gem+ four

Broad-Range 2

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Bleed/Physique Precious stone 4

Stamina Thief one

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Fortitude/Physique Precious stone iv

Fortify ane

Constitution 1

0.65% 0.41% Crisis/Physique Jewel 4

Resuscitate 1

Constitution 1

0.65% 0.41% Ironwall/Physique Jewel iv

Baby-sit 1

Constitution i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Friendship/Physique Jewel four

Broad-Range 1

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Satiated/Physique Jewel 4

Free Meal 1

Constitution one

0.65% 0.41% Stonethrower/Physique Jewel 4

Slinger Capacity 1

Constitution 1

0.65% 0.41% Resistor/Physique Gem 4

Bane Resistance ane

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Flight/Physique Jewel 4

Airborne i

Constitution ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Sprinter/Physique Gem iv

Marathon Runner one

Constitution i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Refresh/Physique Gem 4

Stamina Surge 1

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Jumping/Physique Jewel 4

Evade Extender one

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Sheath/Physique Precious stone four

Quick Sheath 1

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Gobbler/Physique Gem 4

Speed Eating 1

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Grinder/Physique Jewel four

Speed Sharpening i

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Bomber/Physique Jewel 4

Bombardier one

Constitution i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Fungiform/Physique Jewel 4

Mushroomancer 1

Constitution 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Slider/Physique Gem four

Affinity Sliding 1

Constitution one

0.65% 0.41% Guardian/Physique Jewel 4

Offensive Baby-sit 1

Constitution 1

0.65% 0.41% Drain/Evasion Jewel 4

Stamina Thief 1

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Fortitude/Evasion Gem 4

Fortify 1

Evade Window 1

0.65% 0.41% Crunch/Evasion Gem four

Resuscitate 1

Evade Window ane

0.65% 0.41% Ironwall/Evasion Jewel 4

Guard 1

Evade Window ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Friendship/Evasion Jewel 4

Broad-Range 1

Evade Window i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Satiated/Evasion Precious stone 4

Costless Meal 1

Evade Window 1

0.65% 0.41% Stonethrower/Evasion Jewel 4

Slinger Chapters 1

Evade Window 1

0.65% 0.41% Resistor/Evasion Precious stone 4

Blight Resistance 1

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Flight/Evasion Jewel 4

Airborne 1

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Sprinter/Evasion Jewel 4

Marathon Runner 1

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Refresh/Evasion Gem 4

Stamina Surge 1

Evade Window one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Jumping/Evasion Jewel four

Evade Extender i

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Sheath/Evasion Jewel four

Quick Sheath 1

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Gobbler/Evasion Jewel 4

Speed Eating 1

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Grinder/Evasion Precious stone 4

Speed Sharpening 1

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Bomber/Evasion Jewel 4

Bombardier ane

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Fungiform/Evasion Jewel four

Mushroomancer ane

Evade Window 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Slider/Evasion Jewel 4

Affinity Sliding 1

Evade Window 1

0.65% 0.41% Guardian/Evasion Jewel iv

Offensive Guard one

Evade Window 1

0.65% 0.41% Drain/Assail Jewel four

Stamina Thief 1

Attack Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Fortitude/Attack Jewel iv

Fortify 1

Set on Boost i

0.65% 0.41% Crunch/Attack Gem 4

Resuscitate 1

Attack Heave one

0.65% 0.41% Ironwall/Assault Jewel 4

Baby-sit 1

Set on Heave 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Friendship/Assault Jewel 4

Broad-Range one

Attack Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Satiated/Attack Jewel 4

Free Meal one

Set on Boost 1

0.65% 0.41% Stonethrower/Attack Precious stone 4

Slinger Capacity 1

Assail Boost ane

0.65% 0.41% Resistor/Attack Jewel four

Bane Resistance i

Attack Heave 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Flight/Attack Precious stone four

Airborne 1

Attack Boost one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Sprinter/Assault Gem 4

Marathon Runner one

Attack Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Refresh/Attack Jewel 4

Stamina Surge ane

Assail Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Jumping/Assault Jewel four

Evade Extender 1

Assault Boost ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Sheath/Attack Gem 4

Quick Sheath 1

Assail Heave 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Gobbler/Attack Jewel iv

Speed Eating 1

Assault Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Grinder/Attack Jewel 4

Speed Sharpening 1

Attack Heave ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Bomber/Attack Jewel four

Bombardier 1

Attack Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Fungiform/Attack Jewel 4

Mushroomancer 1

Set on Boost ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Slider/Attack Jewel iv

Affinity Sliding i

Assault Boost 1

0.65% 0.41% Guardian/Assail Jewel iv

Offensive Baby-sit 1

Assault Boost ane

0.65% 0.41% Drain/Expert Gem 4

Stamina Thief 1

Critical Eye one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Fortitude/Expert Jewel four

Fortify 1

Critical Eye ane

0.65% 0.41% Crisis/Adept Precious stone 4

Resuscitate 1

Critical Center ane

0.65% 0.41% Ironwall/Expert Jewel four

Guard 1

Critical Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Friendship/Adept Jewel 4

Wide-Range 1

Critical Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Satiated/Expert Jewel 4

Free Meal i

Critical Center 1

0.65% 0.41% Stonethrower/Expert Jewel 4

Slinger Capacity one

Critical Eye ane

0.65% 0.41% Resistor/Expert Precious stone 4

Blight Resistance 1

Critical Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Flight/Expert Precious stone 4

Airborne 1

Disquisitional Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Sprinter/Expert Jewel 4

Marathon Runner 1

Critical Center i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Refresh/Expert Precious stone 4

Stamina Surge ane

Critical Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Jumping/Practiced Jewel 4

Evade Extender one

Critical Heart 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Sheath/Skillful Gem 4

Quick Sheath 1

Critical Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Gobbler/Expert Jewel iv

Speed Eating 1

Critical Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Grinder/Expert Gem four

Speed Sharpening 1

Critical Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Bomber/Expert Gem 4

Bombardier 1

Critical Eye ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Fungiform/Expert Gem iv

Mushroomancer 1

Critical Eye 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Slider/Proficient Gem 4

Affinity Sliding one

Disquisitional Center one

0.65% 0.41% Guardian/Good Precious stone 4

Offensive Guard ane

Disquisitional Eye 1

0.65% 0.41% Bleed/Release Jewel 4

Stamina Thief 1

Free Elem/Ammo Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Fortitude/Release Jewel 4

Fortify 1

Free Elem/Ammo Up ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Crisis/Release Jewel four

Resuscitate 1

Free Elem/Ammo Up ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Ironwall/Release Jewel iv

Guard 1

Costless Elem/Ammo Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Friendship/Release Jewel 4

Broad-Range 1

Free Elem/Ammo Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Satiated/Release Precious stone 4

Free Meal 1

Free Elem/Ammo Upward one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Stonethrower/Release Precious stone 4

Slinger Capacity 1

Costless Elem/Ammo Upwards 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Resistor/Release Jewel 4

Blight Resistance 1

Free Elem/Ammo Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Flight/Release Gem iv

Airborne 1

Gratis Elem/Ammo Upward ane

0.thirteen% 0.22% Sprinter/Release Gem 4

Marathon Runner 1

Costless Elem/Ammo Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Refresh/Release Jewel 4

Stamina Surge 1

Free Elem/Ammo Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Jumping/Release Precious stone 4

Evade Extender ane

Gratis Elem/Ammo Upwardly 1

0.13% 0.22% Sheath/Release Jewel 4

Quick Sheath one

Complimentary Elem/Ammo Upwardly 1

0.13% 0.22% Gobbler/Release Jewel 4

Speed Eating 1

Free Elem/Ammo Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Grinder/Release Gem 4

Speed Sharpening i

Free Elem/Ammo Upwards 1

0.13% 0.22% Bomber/Release Jewel 4

Bombardier 1

Gratis Elem/Ammo Up i

0.13% 0.22% Fungiform/Release Jewel iv

Mushroomancer ane

Free Elem/Ammo Up 1

0.xiii% 0.22% Slider/Release Jewel 4

Analogousness Sliding 1

Free Elem/Ammo Up i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Guardian/Release Jewel 4

Offensive Guard 1

Costless Elem/Ammo Up one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Drain/Handicraft Jewel 4

Stamina Thief one

Handicraft ane

0.13% 0.22% Fortitude/Handicraft Jewel 4

Fortify i

Handicraft one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Crisis/Handicraft Jewel 4

Resuscitate i

Handicraft 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Ironwall/Handicraft Jewel 4

Baby-sit 1

Handicraft 1

0.13% 0.22% Friendship/Handicraft Gem iv

Wide-Range one

Handicraft 1

0.xiii% 0.22% Satiated/Handicraft Gem 4

Free Meal ane

Handicraft one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Stonethrower/Handicraft Jewel 4

Slinger Chapters 1

Handicraft 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Resistor/Handicraft Jewel 4

Blight Resistance one

Handicraft ane

0.xiii% 0.22% Flight/Handicraft Precious stone four

Airborne ane

Handicraft 1

0.xiii% 0.22% Sprinter/Handicraft Jewel iv

Marathon Runner 1

Handicraft one

0.13% 0.22% Refresh/Handicraft Jewel 4

Stamina Surge one

Handicraft 1

0.13% 0.22% Jumping/Handicraft Jewel 4

Evade Extender 1

Handicraft 1

0.13% 0.22% Sheath/Handicraft Jewel 4

Quick Sheath ane

Handicraft 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Gobbler/Handicraft Precious stone 4

Speed Eating 1

Handicraft 1

0.13% 0.22% Grinder/Handicraft Jewel iv

Speed Sharpening 1

Handicraft one

0.13% 0.22% Bomber/Handicraft Jewel 4

Bombardier 1

Handicraft 1

0.13% 0.22% Fungiform/Handicraft Jewel 4

Mushroomancer ane

Handicraft 1

0.13% 0.22% Slider/Handicraft Jewel four

Affinity Sliding ane

Handicraft 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Guardian/Handicraft Jewel 4

Offensive Guard ane

Handicraft ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Footing/Protection Jewel 4

Tremor Resistance 1

Divine Blessing 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Charger/Protection Jewel iv

Focus i

Divine Blessing 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Enhancer/Protection Gem 4

Power Prolonger 1

Divine Approval 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Destroyer/Protection Jewel iv

Partbreaker 1

Divine Approval 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% KO/Protection Jewel 4

Slugger 1

Divine Blessing 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Potential/Protection Gem 4

Heroics ane

Divine Approving 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Current of air Resist/Protection Precious stone 4

Windproof i

Divine Blessing 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Draw/Protection Jewel 4

Critical Draw ane

Divine Blessing i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Throttle/Protection Jewel 4

Latent Power one

Divine Blessing 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Challenger/Protection Jewel four

Agitator 1

Divine Approval 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Flawless/Protection Jewel iv

Peak Performance 1

Divine Blessing 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Furor/Protection Jewel 4

Resentment one

Divine Blessing 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Mighty/Protection Jewel iv

Maximum Might 1

Divine Approval 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Brace/Protection Precious stone four

Flinch Complimentary 1

Divine Blessing 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Phoenix/Protection Jewel four

Coalescence 1

Divine Blessing 1

0.13% 0.22% Earplug/Protection Jewel iv

Earplugs 1

Divine Approval i

0.13% 0.22% Critical/Protection Gem 4

Disquisitional Boost 1

Divine Blessing one

0.13% 0.22% Tenderizer/Protection Gem 4

Weakness Exploit 1

Divine Approving 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Handicraft/Protection Precious stone 4

Handicraft one

Divine Blessing 1

0.13% 0.22% Release/Protection Jewel 4

Free Elem/Ammo Up 1

Divine Blessing ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Ground/Medicine Jewel 4

Tremor Resistance one

Recovery Up ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Charger/Medicine Jewel 4

Focus 1

Recovery Upwards ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Enhancer/Medicine Gem 4

Power Prolonger 1

Recovery Up ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Destroyer/Medicine Jewel 4

Partbreaker 1

Recovery Up 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% KO/Medicine Jewel 4

Slugger 1

Recovery Upwardly i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Potential/Medicine Gem iv

Heroics 1

Recovery Upwards one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Current of air Resist/Medicine Jewel iv

Windproof i

Recovery Upwardly 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Draw/Medicine Jewel 4

Critical Draw 1

Recovery Up 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Throttle/Medicine Precious stone 4

Latent Power 1

Recovery Up 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Challenger/Medicine Jewel 4

Agitator i

Recovery Up 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Flawless/Medicine Gem 4

Peak Performance 1

Recovery Up 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Furor/Medicine Jewel 4

Resentment 1

Recovery Upwards 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Mighty/Medicine Jewel 4

Maximum Might ane

Recovery Upwards 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Caryatid/Medicine Jewel four

Blanch Complimentary one

Recovery Up 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Phoenix/Medicine Jewel 4

Coalescence 1

Recovery Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Earplug/Medicine Jewel 4

Earplugs 1

Recovery Upward 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Critical/Medicine Gem four

Disquisitional Boost 1

Recovery Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Tenderizer/Medicine Jewel iv

Weakness Exploit i

Recovery Up i

0.13% 0.22% Handicraft/Medicine Gem 4

Handicraft 1

Recovery Up 1

0.13% 0.22% Release/Medicine Jewel 4

Gratuitous Elem/Ammo Up 1

Recovery Up ane

0.thirteen% 0.22% Footing/Vitality Jewel four

Tremor Resistance i

Health Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Charger/Vitality Gem 4

Focus 1

Health Boost ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Enhancer/Vitality Jewel 4

Power Prolonger 1

Health Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Destroyer/Vitality Jewel 4

Partbreaker 1

Health Heave 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% KO/Vitality Jewel 4

Slugger one

Health Heave 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Potential/Vitality Jewel 4

Heroics 1

Health Boost i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Air current Resist/Vitality Precious stone 4

Windproof 1

Health Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Draw/Vitality Jewel four

Disquisitional Draw 1

Wellness Heave 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Throttle/Vitality Jewel 4

Latent Power i

Health Boost ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Challenger/Vitality Precious stone 4

Agitator 1

Health Heave ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Flawless/Vitality Jewel 4

Peak Operation one

Health Heave i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Furor/Vitality Gem 4

Resentment i

Health Heave 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Mighty/Vitality Jewel 4

Maximum Might 1

Health Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Brace/Vitality Jewel 4

Blanch Free 1

Wellness Boost 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Phoenix/Vitality Precious stone 4

Coalescence i

Health Boost 1

0.13% 0.22% Earplug/Vitality Jewel 4

Earplugs 1

Health Boost 1

0.13% 0.22% Disquisitional/Vitality Jewel 4

Disquisitional Boost 1

Health Boost ane

0.13% 0.22% Tenderizer/Vitality Jewel 4

Weakness Exploit 1

Health Boost 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Handicraft/Vitality Jewel 4

Handicraft 1

Wellness Boost 1

0.13% 0.22% Release/Vitality Jewel 4

Free Elem/Ammo Up one

Health Heave one

0.13% 0.22% Ground/Maintenance Jewel iv

Tremor Resistance 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Charger/Maintenance Gem 4

Focus i

Tool Specialist i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Enhancer/Maintenance Jewel iv

Ability Prolonger 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Destroyer/Maintenance Jewel 4

Partbreaker 1

Tool Specialist i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% KO/Maintenance Jewel iv

Slugger i

Tool Specialist i

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Potential/Maintenance Jewel iv

Heroics 1

Tool Specialist ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Wind Resist/Maintenance Jewel 4

Windproof 1

Tool Specialist one

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Draw/Maintenance Gem 4

Critical Depict 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Throttle/Maintenance Jewel four

Latent Power ane

Tool Specialist 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Challenger/Maintenance Jewel 4

Agitator 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Flawless/Maintenance Jewel 4

Peak Operation 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Furor/Maintenance Jewel 4

Resentment 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Mighty/Maintenance Precious stone 4

Maximum Might ane

Tool Specialist ane

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Brace/Maintenance Precious stone four

Flinch Gratis ane

Tool Specialist 1

0.09% 0.25% 0.37% Phoenix/Maintenance Jewel iv

Coalescence ane

Tool Specialist 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Earplug/Maintenance Jewel 4

Earplugs 1

Tool Specialist ane

0.xiii% 0.22% Disquisitional/Maintenance Jewel 4

Critical Heave 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.13% 0.22% Tenderizer/Maintenance Jewel 4

Weakness Exploit 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Handicraft/Maintenance Precious stone 4

Handicraft 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.13% 0.22% Release/Maintenance Gem four

Free Elem/Ammo Up 1

Tool Specialist 1

0.13% 0.22% Footing/Physique Jewel 4

Tremor Resistance 1

Constitution one

0.xiii% 0.22% Charger/Physique Jewel 4

Focus 1

Constitution 1

0.xiii% 0.22% Enhancer/Physique Jewel 4

Power Prolonger 1

Constitution ane

0.13% 0.22% Destroyer/Physique Jewel 4

Partbreaker 1

Constitution 1

0.13% 0.22% KO/Physique Jewel four

Slugger ane

Constitution one

0.thirteen% 0.22% Potential/Physique Precious stone 4

Heroics 1

Constitution 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Current of air Resist/Physique Jewel iv

Windproof ane

Constitution 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Draw/Physique Jewel four

Critical Draw 1

Constitution 1

0.13% 0.22% Throttle/Physique Precious stone iv

Latent Power 1

Constitution 1

0.13% 0.22% Challenger/Physique Gem iv

Anarchist ane

Constitution 1

0.13% 0.22% Flawless/Physique Jewel four

Peak Performance 1

Constitution 1

0.13% 0.22% Furor/Physique Jewel 4

Resentment 1

Constitution 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Mighty/Physique Precious stone iv

Maximum Might one

Constitution one

0.13% 0.22% Brace/Physique Jewel 4

Flinch Gratuitous 1

Constitution 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Phoenix/Physique Jewel 4

Coalescence 1

Constitution one

0.53% Earplug/Physique Gem four

Earplugs 1

Constitution 1

0.53% Critical/Physique Jewel four

Disquisitional Heave i

Constitution one

0.53% Tenderizer/Physique Jewel 4

Weakness Exploit one

Constitution 1

0.53% Handicraft/Physique Gem 4

Handicraft ane

Constitution one

0.53% Release/Physique Precious stone 4

Gratis Elem/Ammo Up 1

Constitution 1

0.53% Footing/Evasion Precious stone four

Tremor Resistance one

Evade Window 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Charger/Evasion Jewel 4

Focus ane

Evade Window one

0.13% 0.22% Enhancer/Evasion Gem 4

Power Prolonger 1

Evade Window one

0.13% 0.22% Destroyer/Evasion Jewel iv

Partbreaker 1

Evade Window 1

0.13% 0.22% KO/Evasion Jewel iv

Slugger i

Evade Window 1

0.13% 0.22% Potential/Evasion Jewel 4

Heroics 1

Evade Window 1

0.13% 0.22% Current of air Resist/Evasion Precious stone 4

Windproof 1

Evade Window 1

0.13% 0.22% Draw/Evasion Precious stone 4

Disquisitional Depict 1

Evade Window 1

0.13% 0.22% Throttle/Evasion Jewel 4

Latent Power i

Evade Window 1

0.13% 0.22% Challenger/Evasion Gem four

Agitator 1

Evade Window 1

0.13% 0.22% Flawless/Evasion Jewel iv

Tiptop Performance 1

Evade Window i

0.13% 0.22% Furor/Evasion Gem four

Resentment i

Evade Window 1

0.thirteen% 0.22% Mighty/Evasion Precious stone iv

Maximum Might 1

Evade Window ane

0.13% 0.22% Brace/Evasion Jewel 4

Flinch Complimentary 1

Evade Window 1

0.13% 0.22% Phoenix/Evasion Jewel 4

Coalescence one

Evade Window ane

0.53% Earplug/Evasion Jewel iv

Earplugs 1

Evade Window 1

0.53% Disquisitional/Evasion Jewel four

Critical Boost 1

Evade Window 1

0.53% Tenderizer/Evasion Jewel 4

Weakness Exploit 1

Evade Window i

0.53% Handicraft/Evasion Jewel 4

Handicraft ane

Evade Window 1

0.53% Release/Evasion Gem 4

Free Elem/Ammo Up one

Evade Window 1



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